Super Bowl Sunday Drunk Driving Dangers

On Sunday, February 9, the Kansas City Chiefs and the Philadelphia Eagles will go head-to-head in Super Bowl LIX at the Caesars Superdome in New Orleans. While some fortunate fans will be witnessing the action live from the stadium's seats, most Americans will be enjoying the game from local sports bars or large-scale viewing parties. Amidst the festivities and excitement, it's important to be mindful of the increased possibility of encountering individuals who may have consumed alcohol and are driving under the influence.

As a professional driver, you’re aware that even a small amount of alcohol can impair your ability to drive safely. However, other people might not realize that their driving skills and decision-making abilities can be compromised well before they exhibit obvious signs of being intoxicated.

To help defend yourself from drunk drivers on game day and throughout the year:

  • Buckle your seat belt. Properly using your seatbelt is your best defense against drunk drivers. In the unfortunate event of an accident, wearing your seatbelt can significantly improve your chances of maintaining control of your vehicle and preventing ejection.

  • Watch out for other motorists exhibiting signs of impairment. Be on the lookout for vehicles:

    • Drifting in and out of traffic lanes

    • Straddling the center line

    • Making wide turns

    • Swerving dangerously close to the curb, other vehicles or objects

    • Driving without headlights on after dark

    • Tailgating

    • Driving at unusually slow speeds

    • Erratically braking or accelerating

    • Responding slowly to traffic signals

    • Failing to signal or signaling improperly

  • Give impaired drivers extra space. If you suspect a driver is drunk, stay back, pull over to a safe and legal spot, and call local law enforcement with the description of the vehicle and its location.

  • Keep your guard up throughout the day. Super Bowl parties often begin hours before kickoff and extend well after the game ends. This means that impaired drivers can be encountered at any time during the day. Stay alert, reduce your speed and add extra space to react to the traffic around you. Of course, if you can avoid traveling on Super Bowl Sunday, do so; it’s best not to be out on roads that are likely to have an above average concentration of intoxicated drivers.

  • Exercise extra caution at intersections. Many accidents involving drunk drivers occur at intersections, where they may fail to obey stop signs or traffic signals. When approaching an intersection, slow down and keep your eyes scanning ahead, left, right and left again. Also, be on the lookout for pedestrians who may be impaired or distracted.

  • Monitor your own condition. Ensure you are well rested before getting behind the wheel as fatigue can slow reaction times, decrease awareness and impair judgment. When it comes to sharing the road with potentially impaired drivers, even a momentary lapse in attention could be disastrous.

Lastly, if your travel plans include the New Orleans area, be aware that there will be numerous events and festivities throughout the week leading up to Super Bowl LIX. Also, the big game is expected to bring in thousands of out-of-towners, many of whom may be driving on unfamiliar roadways. So, pre-plan your route, allow extra time to reach your destination, be patient, and avoid peak traffic periods, whenever possible, to eliminate unnecessary frustration. If you use a GPS device, be sure it is specifically designed for commercial motor vehicles and updated with the latest maps and software. Importantly, slow down and allow plenty of space around your vehicle to create more time and space to react to any possible dangers.